May 14, 2018
Orlando DUI Lawyer - Florida DUI Charges Attorney Chad Frost

Florida DUI Driver’s License Suspension

According to the Florida law, if you operate a motor vehicle with a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.08% or higher, you are presumed to be driving under the influence. However, this does not mean that you can only be arrested for DUI if you have been drinking alcohol. If you drive a vehicle after having used some chemical or controlled substance like cocaine, you can also be arrested for DUI. The consequences of getting arrested for DUI in Florida can be very severe and you could be slapped with some hefty punishments. If you refuse to submit yourself to a […]
April 19, 2018
Orlando DUI Lawyer - Florida DUI Charges Attorney Chad Frost

Understanding Portable Breathalyzers & DUI Charges In Florida

How Do Breathalyzers Work? Many drivers do not know much about breathalyzers and consequently, refuse them when asked by law enforcement. Based on the Implied Consent rule, driving on the roads in Florida is a privilege, and with it comes the rule that you will also consent to any tests for possible drunk driving or driving under the influence.   Types Of Breathalyzers There are several types of portable breathalyzers that are used by the police officers in Florida. Portable devices are carried with officers for use on the road and more sophisticated machines are used at the police station. […]
April 3, 2018
Orlando DUI Lawyer - Florida DUI Charges Attorney Chad Frost

Understanding Your Rights At Florida DUI Checkpoints

How Do DUI Checkpoints Work? In almost every city and town, law enforcement officers will sometimes set up DUI checkpoints. Also known as sobriety checkpoints, this law enforcement activity is most common during the summer and annual holidays like New Year’s Eve, July 4th, Labor Day and so on. The reason is that during this time period the public is more likely to drink and drive. The aim of a DUI checkpoint is to investigate and assess motorists on the road for drunk driving. The majority of the DUI checkpoints are set-up on public roads which also give law enforcement a […]
January 6, 2018
Orlando DUI Lawyer - Florida DUI Charges Attorney Chad Frost

Florida DUI: The Affects of Alcohol

What Factors Affect How Your Body Absorbs Alcohol? There is no question that consuming alcohol makes many people feel great, at least for a short while. Once an alcoholic beverage is consumed, it descends to the stomach and small bowel and is absorbed into the blood. Once inside the bloodstream, the alcohol is transported to the brain, liver, kidneys, and muscles. Alcohol rapidly enters the brain where it exerts its soothing effects. The actions of alcohol on the brain occur within a few minutes after consumption and within 30-90 minutes, it reaches it peak levels in the blood. The alcohol may diffuse […]
December 14, 2017
Orlando DUI Lawyer - Florida DUI Charges Attorney Chad Frost

DUI Defense: What Happens If The Cop Didn’t See Me Driving?

Clients often ask my advice when they’re facing DUI (Driving Under the Influence) charges in Florida. Perhaps the most recent question in DUI law that has been brought to my attention is whether the police can make an arrest for DUI without having personally witnessed the suspect behind the wheel, actually driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated and a crash didn’t occur. There are two cases that provide clarity on how your DUI charges might turn out under circumstances like these. Previous Legal Cases Involving A DUI Without Police Witness The first is a 2011 case, M.W. v. State. (51 […]
September 13, 2017
Orlando DUI Lawyer - Florida DUI Charges Attorney Chad Frost

Florida DUI: What You Need To Know About Getting A 3rd DUI Charge

  Getting a third DUI charge in Florida is very serious and associated with the most severe DUI penalties. If you are convicted, you may face thousands of dollars in penalties, plus incarceration, and a possible ten-year suspension or revocation of our driver’s license. You may also have a felony on your record that will seriously affect you for the rest of your life.   I Was Charged With A 3rd DUI, When Should I Get An Attorney? In Florida, you only have ten days after your arrest to hire an attorney with regards to the driver’s license suspension. You will be asked at the […]