Family & Criminal Law Blog

June 28, 2018
Orlando Criminal Defense Lawyer

Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law

Stand Your Ground is changing and has recently been the subject of great debate because the Florida Legislature and the Florida Courts are battling it out. How Is Stand Your Ground Proven? As a basic procedural principal, in a criminal trial, the State of Florida (the prosecution) must prove every element of the alleged crime beyond a reasonable doubt. Prior to the recent changes, if a defendant raised the affirmative defense of self-defense by standing his ground (he or she claims to have had no alternative but to use deadly force to defend him or herself), the defendant had to […]
May 30, 2018
Orlando DUI Lawyer - Florida DUI Charges Attorney Chad Frost

Florida DUI: Frequently Asked Questions

After a first-time DUI conviction, how can I get my license reinstated? The penalty for a first time DUI can result in revocation of your license, if there was a serious injury involved, the revocation may last 36 months. If you want your license reinstated before the revocation term expires, then you will need to apply for a ‘hardship’ driver license and show proof that you have completed a DUI program.   Who qualifies for a ‘Hardship’ License? The hardship license is not for everyone. You have to prove to the court that without a driver’s license, you are not […]
May 22, 2018
Orlando Family Law Lawyer

What You Need To Know About Florida Child Support Payments

Can I Make Child Support Payments Electronically? Yes, the Florida Child Support ePay site is a comprehensive online agency that allows the parent who owes child support or the employer of the parent who owes child support to make electronic payments on their website. The parent may use this website once or repeatedly to make automatic withdrawals from his or her bank account or pay the child support directly with the use of a credit or debit card. The same website can be used by the employer of the parent making child support payments.   How To Make Child Support […]
May 14, 2018
Orlando DUI Lawyer - Florida DUI Charges Attorney Chad Frost

Florida DUI Driver’s License Suspension

According to the Florida law, if you operate a motor vehicle with a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.08% or higher, you are presumed to be driving under the influence. However, this does not mean that you can only be arrested for DUI if you have been drinking alcohol. If you drive a vehicle after having used some chemical or controlled substance like cocaine, you can also be arrested for DUI. The consequences of getting arrested for DUI in Florida can be very severe and you could be slapped with some hefty punishments. If you refuse to submit yourself to a […]
May 8, 2018
Orlando Criminal Defense Lawyer

Probation And The Anti-Murder Act

Probation & Anti-Murder FAQ Over the past few years, Florida has enacted harsh laws for violent felony offenders. One of these laws is the ‘Anti Murder Act’ which requires many types of felony offenders who violate their probation or community control to remain incarcerated until the court system decides whether the individual will pose any danger/threat to the public at large. The Anti-murder Act in Florida was enacted in March 2007. Once an individual is incarcerated, the Florida Department of Corrections will classify these offenders as Violent Felony Offenders of special concern or ‘VFO’ on the violation of community control or […]
May 2, 2018
Orlando Assault and Battery Attorney

Reducing DUI Charges In Florida

Can I Get My DUI Charges Reduced? Almost all motorists who have been charged with a DUI would like to know if their charges can be reduced to something less serious or even rescinded. It is first important to understand that getting a charge of DUI revoked is not always possible if the law enforcement officer has abided by the legal rules, but in many cases, it is possible to have the charges reduced to Reckless Driving.   Why Have A Charge Of DUI Reduced To Reckless Driving? Many DUI lawyers indicate to motorists charged with DUI that getting the […]
April 24, 2018
Orland Criminal Defense & Family Law Attorney

How To Calculate Alimony In Florida

Calculating Alimony When it comes to a divorce, the first thing that frightens most people is the term alimony. To some individuals, it means paying large sums of money to the other partner for the rest of their life and to others it means losing everything they have ever owned. To get the facts right, alimony is a financial award given to the ex-spouse, only until he or she is able to support him or herself.   Common Alimony Questions Some of the common questions that many people frequently ask about alimony include the following: – How long do I pay the […]
April 19, 2018
Orlando DUI Lawyer - Florida DUI Charges Attorney Chad Frost

Understanding Portable Breathalyzers & DUI Charges In Florida

How Do Breathalyzers Work? Many drivers do not know much about breathalyzers and consequently, refuse them when asked by law enforcement. Based on the Implied Consent rule, driving on the roads in Florida is a privilege, and with it comes the rule that you will also consent to any tests for possible drunk driving or driving under the influence.   Types Of Breathalyzers There are several types of portable breathalyzers that are used by the police officers in Florida. Portable devices are carried with officers for use on the road and more sophisticated machines are used at the police station. […]
April 11, 2018
Orlando Criminal Defense Lawyer

Driving With A Suspended License In Florida

How To Check If Your License Is Suspended There are many drivers who have their licenses suspended, but often have no idea. Most of these drivers first become aware of their license suspension when they are stopped by law enforcement for a traffic violation. To make matters worse, driving without a license is usually associated with a range of penalties, including monetary fines and even incarceration. Florida driver licenses can be suspended for many reasons, including: – Accruing too many traffic violation points – Failure to meet the minimal vision requirements – Failure to pay a traffic fine – Driving under […]
April 3, 2018
Orlando DUI Lawyer - Florida DUI Charges Attorney Chad Frost

Understanding Your Rights At Florida DUI Checkpoints

How Do DUI Checkpoints Work? In almost every city and town, law enforcement officers will sometimes set up DUI checkpoints. Also known as sobriety checkpoints, this law enforcement activity is most common during the summer and annual holidays like New Year’s Eve, July 4th, Labor Day and so on. The reason is that during this time period the public is more likely to drink and drive. The aim of a DUI checkpoint is to investigate and assess motorists on the road for drunk driving. The majority of the DUI checkpoints are set-up on public roads which also give law enforcement a […]