May 22, 2018
Orlando Family Law Lawyer

What You Need To Know About Florida Child Support Payments

Can I Make Child Support Payments Electronically? Yes, the Florida Child Support ePay site is a comprehensive online agency that allows the parent who owes child support or the employer of the parent who owes child support to make electronic payments on their website. The parent may use this website once or repeatedly to make automatic withdrawals from his or her bank account or pay the child support directly with the use of a credit or debit card. The same website can be used by the employer of the parent making child support payments.   How To Make Child Support […]
February 18, 2018
Orlando Family Law Lawyer

Florida Child Support: When Can I Really Stop Payment?

The thought of child support can often make one think of monthly payments that have no end in sight. Child support payments do end, however, the question of when they will actually cease is not as straightforward and depends on the circumstances. When Your Child Turns 18 According to Florida laws, child support ordinarily is meant to end on your child’s 18th birthday. If the order was made in favor of more than one child, child support is calculated according to different dates in the future. It reduces as each child turns 18 and finally ends once the last child turns 18. If […]
January 1, 2018
Orlando Family Law Lawyer

How Is Child Support Calculated In Florida?

It is very easy to assume that child support is simply awarded by a judge without reference to any resource. Most feel the judge simply pulls a figure out of the air, orders the parties to pay it and bangs his gavel. Case closed. Child support in Florida is actually much more complicated. There are a lot of calculations that go into determining child support in Florida. These calculations are meant to determine not just the amount that will be paid, but how this amount is to be split between the spouses as well as what income would be taken into […]
November 15, 2017
Orlando Family Law Lawyer

Understanding The Motion For Contempt For Child Support

What Is The Motion For Contempt For Child Support? Divorce and custody cases rarely end with the judgment of the court in favor of either party. Often, you or your spouse may have to drag each other back to court for the enforcement of the judgment of the court. If you have to go back to court in order to enforce the order of the court, you can consider going through contempt, especially if it concerns child support. The law recognizes that an amicable settlement or dissolution of a marriage by a court may not always go as agreed. Either one […]